So about a year ago i had bought one of those cute little indoor table top fountains to try and encourage Percival to take baths. It worked he loved it but unfortunately the fountain was really hard to clean as it was hard plastic and this super gross slime was impossible to clean off. So unfortunately i got rid of it cause it was so dirty and hard to clean and I didn’t want Percival bathing in that slime grossness. But he wasn’t to happy with me so this year i started looking for a new one. And came across this video posted by a bird you tuber called Alen Axp of his budgies playing in this table top fountain and in the video the budgies loved it. So i found the fountain online and it’s actually a cat/dog drinking fountain but its safe for birds to bathe in so i ordered it. I’ve included a links for purchasing the fountain, the YouTube video i saw and a video i taped of what it looks like in put together. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to catch the birds bathing in it yet but when i do i will be sure to post it.
Bird fountain amazon link -
Bird fountain YouTube video -