Hey Crazy Bird Lady here let's talk about getting used bird cages. Getting a used bird cage can be a great way to get bird cage without spending a couple 100$ I actually have 2 used bird cages. The one bird cage I got for free and the other was worth 250$ but I got it for 100$ there are plenty of great deals on Kijiji and Facebook Market Place. But if you are getting them used make sure you disinfect them really well because you don't know if it previously housed any other birds and if they had any diseases that could be passed along to your feathered friend. I use Nature's Miracle bird cage cleaner it's gentle cleaning formula is great and has no harsh scents or chemicals that could harm your bird I have provided a picture of it down below so you know what to get. Also you can make a homemade bird cage cleaner for less money here is what you need 1 empty and cleaned spray bottle, 3 cups hot water not boiling hot though, 3 Tablespoons baking soda and 2 Tablespoons pure lemon juice. The instructions are very basic combine all the components into the spray bottle tighten the nozzle and shake the bottle really well until the baking soda is completely dissolved. I would suggest when you get home after picking up your used bird cage putting in your backyard and using the house on the harsh mist setting to get it wet. Then using paper towel or a dish cloth using 1 of these 2 bird cage cleaners and thoroughly cleaning the cage just to be extra safe i repeat the process of cleaning one more time after the first round then let it sit for a few minutes with the cleaner on and the rinsing the cage really well with the hose again and let it air dry outside once that is done you are free to set up your new bird cage.
Sincerely, The Crazy Bird Lady
